A while back I wrote a post called Vintage Trends I’m Kind Of Over – and I got a great suggestion over on Facebook from a reader. Why not highlight some stuff that I think is cool, but doesn’t tend to get a lot of attention? In other words, why not try to start my own trend? Why not, indeed! ;)
First up: I picked on milk glass in my Trends post, because, well – it’s everywhere. (For the record, I do like it, I’m just tired of seeing it.) You also see a lot of blue, aqua, green, and red glassware – but what you don’t see featured much is the color amber.
Now why is that? Amber glass comes in a lot of different shades – from light honey gold, to almost brown. I think maybe the brown vibe is what turns a lot of people off – brown is a hard color for a lot of people to get down with, for some reason…
I personally really like amber glass – it feels kind of homey too me, for lack of a better word. I took a look around and found some really great pieces – let’s check them out!
Vintage Amber Glass Swag Hanging Lamp
There are TONS of amazing amber glass hanging lamps – it was hard to choose just one to feature here. Seriously. TONS.
Vintage Viking Amber Glass Fairy Lamp Candle Holders
I’ve sold quite a bit of Viking glass different colors, and amber is always the hardest sell. I found these that I’ve never seen before, I mean how cool are they? I’m tempted to get them for myself… ;)
Vintage L.E. Smith Amber Moon & Stars Glass Canister Set
L.E. Smith’s Moon & Stars pattern is another one that comes in the more popular colors of blue, red and green – but look how pretty it is in this honey gold shade of amber!
Vintage Libbey Amber Country Garden Drinking Glasses Set
There is a LOT of vintage beverage glassware in amber – drinking glasses, pitchers, etc. etc… Libbey is a great brand to look at for that kind of stuff, they are one of my favorites.
Vintage Anchor Hocking Lido Amber Glass Beverage Set
Anchor Hocking is right up there with Libbey – check out this new old stock set in their Lido pattern! Yet another case where the blue and green versions tend to get all the glory…
Vintage Kahawha Amber Glass Pedestal Swung Stretch Vase
Of course I can’t do a post on glass without featuring a fun vase – this one is from a company I haven’t heard of before, I might have to do some digging about them! It’s just as cool as a Viking or Fenton piece, that’s for sure…
Vintage L.E. Smith Amber Glass Rearing Horses Bookends
Another offering in amber from L.E. Smith…
So what do you think? Can we convince the vintage geeks out there that amber glass is something to love? Are there some of you out there already, happily collecting it despite (or maybe because of) its tendency to fly under the radar? Leave me a comment, or better yet, email photos of your collection to vintagegoodness@gmail.com. :)
Would you be willing to sell the cannister set and salt and pepper set. owingsdebra@gmail.com