Featured Collectible – Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jars


Photo by Everything Modern on Etsy

For whatever reason, I don’t think I have ever seen a Bartlett Collins glass cookie jar here in Ohio. They were located in Oklahoma until they were purchased by Indiana Glass in the early 80’s, so maybe not too many cookie jars found their way across the Mississippi?

Anyway, they are on my thrifting bucket list – this one, in particular:


Vintage Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar Turquoise & Green Daisy

I would be just as happy to run across it in yellow…


Vintage Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar Yellow & Orange Daisy

Or orange…


Vintage Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar Orange & Yellow Daisy

There are lots of fun designs besides this one out there, really I would be happy to find any of them at this point… They are fairly easy to identify as Bartlett Collins, with their very recognizable lid style.


Vintage Bartlett Collins Frosted Glass Yellow Tulips Cookie Jar


Vintage Bartlett Collins Green Glass Mushrooms Cookie Jar


Vintage Bartlett Collins Blue Dutch Boy & Girl Glass Cookie Jar


Vintage Flower Power Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar


Vintage Hansel & Gretel Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar


Vintage Kids Rolling Cookies Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jar

These are just a few of my favorites that I ran across, head on over to eBay and Etsy to check out all that’s currently available for sale – there’s lots to love, and prices on them are usually quite affordable!

Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jars on eBay

Bartlett Collins Glass Cookie Jars on Etsy

Let’s Start A Trend! Vintage Wooden Animal Figurines

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Alligator photo by Guest Of The Past on Etsy

Ceramic animal figurines get love. Brass animal figurines get love. But wood animal figurines? Not as much. Painted wooden figurines get a little bit, (I’m looking at you, Dala Horses!) but I think that the general anti-brown sentiment hurts the unpainted ones, pushing them beneath the radar…

Let’s change that, people! A little collection on a mantle or bookshelf would be super cool – there’s a LOT to love out there, let’s take a look…

bighorn sheep wooden figurineVintage Cryptomeria Wood Big Horn Sheep Figurine

wood hedgehog figurine scandanavianVintage Scandanavian Wooden Hedgehog Figurine

vintage wood sleeping cat figurineVintage Carved Wood Sleeping Cat Figurine

vintage running deer wood figurineVintage Carved Wood Jumping Deer Figurine

vintage swedish wooden horse candle holderVintage Swedish Horse Wooden Candle Holder Figurine

carved wood bear figurinesVintage Carved Wood Bear Figurine Set
(these would be awesome as bookends!)

vintage wooden monkey figurineVintage Wooden Monkey Figurine Japan

vintage wooden dolphin figurineVintage Satinwood Wooden Dolphin Figurine

vintage teak wood cat figurineVintage Teak Wood Mid Century Modern Cats Figurine

vintage wooden alligator crocodile figurineVintage Wooden Alligator / Crocodile Figurine

vintage wood modernist dog figurineVintage Mid Century Modern Wood Dog Figurine

vintage russian wood bird figurineVintage Russian Carved Wood Bird Figurine

vintage carved wood lion figurineVintage Carved Wood Lion Figurine

vintage wood hear see no evil monkey figurinesVintage Hear No Evil See No Evil Speak No Evil Monkey Figurines

vintage bull oxen wood figurinesVintage Oxen / Bull Wooden Figurine Set

vintage carved wooden elephant figurinesVintage Carved Wood Elephant Figurine Set

Do any of you already collect them? I would LOVE to see photos – just send them to me at vintagegoodness@gmail.com, if I get enough I will share them on a follow up post! :)




























Featured Collectible – Howard Pierce Ceramics

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howard pierce ceramics header 2Girl With Flowers Figurine – Photo by Lem’s Lark Basement

A couple of weeks ago I picked up this lovely 6″ Mary & Baby Jesus figurine at a church sale – it was stamped on the bottom with just a name: Howard Pierce.

Howard Pierce Ceramic Mary & Jesus Green FigurineWhen I started researching it, I immediately fell in love – there are SO many amazing Howard Pierce pieces out there! I swear, no matter how long you buy and sell vintage items, there is always something that you have never seen before… That’s part of the fun, right? :)

A Bit Of History

Howard Pierce Ceramics or Howard Pierce Porcelain operated out of California from the 1940’s until the early 1990’s. According to a brochure he used to give to visitors at his studio:

“Howard personally handles all aspects of the ceramics — from original sculpture modeling, making of the molds, formulating the clay body and glazes, to the production and firing of the pieces. Each piece an original, hand-crafted American product. Howard continues to focus on porcelain, a high quality ceramic process which includes a single firing at 2150°F.”

He seems to have specialized in animal and people figurines, but there are some really cool vases floating around out there as well. Howard Pierce pieces are popular with collectors – and rightly so! Luckily, while some pieces are rather expensive (as in several hundred dollars expensive!), there are also pieces that go for very reasonable prices, many in the $12 to $15 range. My Mary and Jesus sold for $31 at auction on eBay.

Howard Pierce Goodness

howard pierce owl vaseCalifornia Pottery Artist Howard Pierce Vase w/ Modernist Owls

howard pierce cat figurinesPair Of Howard Pierce Art Pottery Siamese Cat Figurines

howard pierce st. francis figurineVintage Howard Pierce St. Francis Of Assisi Figurine

howard pierce bud vasesVintage Howard Pierce California Pottery Bud Vases Set

howard pierce bunny rabbit figurineVintage Howard Pierce Medium Bunny Rabbit Figurine

howard pierce angel with harp figurineVintage Howard Pierce Angel With Harp Figurine

howard pierce goose geese figurinesVintage Howard Pierce Ceramic Geese Figurines

howard pierce girl with basket figurineVintage Howard Pierce Girl With Basket Figurine

These are just some of my favorites that I wanted to share – there is LOTS more where this came from – just head on over to Etsy or eBay to see everything that is currently available for sale!






















Let’s Start A Trend! Vintage Decoupaged Wood Wall Art

Vintage Wooden Decoupaged Wall ArtIn one week I picked up both of these (they are listed in my eBay store now!) – and visions of a gallery wall full of decoupaged wooden wall plaques floated in front of my eyes… It would be amazing! Kitschtastic! Someone needs to DO it – and send me photos! ;)

In the meantime, let’s create a virtual gallery wall right here – who knows, maybe it will catch on? I have all my fingers and toes crossed…

decoupage wood wall art covered bridgeVintage Covered Bridge Decoupage Wooden Wall Plaque

doctor decoupage wood wall artVintage Doctor Decoupaged Wood Wall Art

decoupage wood wall art set flowers mushroomsVintage Mushrooms & Flowers Decoupage Wood Wall Art Set

art nouveau decoupage wood wall plaqueVintage Art Nouveau Woman Decoupaged Wooden Wall Plaque

bee decoupaged wood wall artVintage Busy Bee Decoupage Wood Wall Plaque
(this made me laugh way too much…)

deer wood decoupaged wall plaqueVintage Deer Decoupaged Wooden Wall Art

john wayne wood slice decoupaged wall plaqueVintage John Wayne Decoupaged Wooden Wall Art

butterfly flowers wood decoupage wall artVintage Butterfly & Flowers Decoupage Wood Wall Plaque Set

fawn deer wood decoupage artVintage Fawn Deer Decoupage Wood Wall Plaque

marilyn monroe decoupaged wooden wall artVintage Marilyn Monroe Photo Decoupage Wooden Wall Art

owl family wood decoupaged wall plaqueVintage Owl Family Decoupaged Wooden Wall Art

farm scene decoupaged wood slab wall artVintage Farm Scene Wood Slab Decoupaged Wall Plaque

horse decoupaged wood wall artVintage Black Horse Wooden Decoupaged Wall Art Plaque

bunny chipmunk decoupage wood wall artVintage Rabbit & Chipmunk Decoupage Wood Wall Plaque Set


Buying Back My Childhood – Nancy Plays Nurse

      5 Comments on Buying Back My Childhood – Nancy Plays Nurse

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNancy had the BEST toys!

Apparently I have hit the age where I want to buy back bits of my childhood, in the form of books I had when I was a kid. It’s not so bad that I am actively seeking them out – but if I run across one at a sale for a buck or two, you better believe it is coming home with me! I am pretty sure my parents still have some of my books stored away at their house, but I have no idea which ones… So I might as well grab the ones I find, right? I mean having two doesn’t hurt, does it? Of course not. ;)

The first one I want to share is the one I found at an estate sale this weekend – it is a Rand McNally Giant Book called Nancy Plays Nurse, dated 1965. It is oversized – I’m not sure if the one I had was this big one, or a smaller one – I poked around and there is another smaller Tip Top Elf Book version out there. I may have actually had this at one of my grandparents house, rather than at my parents – it’s hard to remember for sure, I had a LOT of books. I was one of THOSE kids. Well – I’m one of THOSE adults too, but we won’t get into that here… Let’s take a look at Nancy Plays Nurse!

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseHow cute is that giraffe with the bandage on his neck?

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNancy’s sister was a candy striper. I was totally in love with that uniform!

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNancy ran her own little doll hospital, taking after her sister.

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNancy to the rescue!
(This illustration bothered me – it was a little too much blood on his knees for my taste.)

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseMore of the bloody knees… *shudder*

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNext patient – a puppy with splinters in his paw! SO cute.
(bonus points for that awesome rotary phone, Nancy!)

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseNancy taking care of her sick giraffe.

Rand McNally Nancy Plays NurseRewarded for all her hard work – a candy striper outfit for her birthday!
